$600/wk Punta Blanca 2 Bedr Condo Rental


It’s is a 2 bedroom condo 2 baths small living room and kitchen attached.

Everything in it is brand new.

Sleeps up to 8 tight bunk beds have pull out on bottom I can arrange how ever have plenty of bedding choice.

It is located in the Punta Centinela the rentals has full access to the resorts and water park these are private clubs.

The rental rate is 600 per week

For more info contact MARCEL NEWBERG at
marcelnewberg AT me.com


punta blanca ecuador

rent in punta blanca ecuador

US vs Ecuador Healthcare.. A Sad Story

healthcare in ecuador

“Wow, that drug is like cocaine, it’s practically a narcotic.” The doctor said in Guayaquil.

“She’s had intense foot pain for years and that’s the medication the doctors in the USA had her on.” Her husband explained.

The Ecuadorian doctor just shook his head.

The women’s husband continued…

“The doctors in the US refuse to study a case, if your problem is not in their comfort zone they’ll just push you off to someone else, but in the land of lawsuits, I guess who can blame them, so they doped her up.” QC Kinetix is an alternative choice when you’ve been told that invasive surgery is the best option or after you’ve tried everything else to remove the pain and disability caused by your condition without success. We are the leading pain clinic in Winston-Salem, NC, serving patients throughout the Triad area by providing regenerative medicine injection treatments including but not limited to: stem cell therapy, regenerative medicine greensboro nc cell therapy, A2M therapy, and PRP therapy. We also offer non-invasive Class IV laser therapy for effective relief against pain and inflammation caused by arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions. Several of our locations also have advanced digital X-ray and ultrasound equipment on-site for faster and more accurate diagnosis. From professional athletes recovering from injuries to orthopedic patients looking to restore an active lifestyle, we treat our patients with the same level of service and respect throughout their clinical experience with us. Our doctors, who have extensive experience with pain management and regenerative medicine therapies, will help explain your condition and recommend treatment options that are best suited for your needs. Ultimately, we are dedicated to giving you the best chance to heal and achieve a better quality of life. With so many regenerative medicine therapies available, we make sure to discuss each option with our patients. While not all of our patients can be candidates for all treatments, our team will conduct a thorough assessment and guide you to make the most appropriate decisions regarding your condition.

Is that what our US system has come down to? Doping people up because they have a rare ailment that doctors refuse to go out on a limb on.

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That was the scene a week ago.

Yesterday, in our second visit with the orthopedic specialist in Guayaquil the scene got brighter.

As the lady with the foot trouble hobbled into the Doctors office with her husband and myself, the doctor showed us a book with what he believed to be the problem.

He had spent much of the last week studying the case.

He believed the rare problem to be a pinched nerve. He tested it by placing a shot directly into the lady’s nerve, numbing it, to see if that was the cause of the pain.

It was.

The lady was in disbelief! She was going to be able to walk without pain again, something she hadn’t done for years due to faulty doctors in the US.

In Ecuador, doctors are free to simply experiment and solve problems. Meanwhile, it’s obvious the US system is clearly broken.

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Tipping in Ecuador?

How much should you tip in Ecuador?

Tipping is not common in Ecuador and often 10% service charge is included in the bill. Basically, you don’t have to tip but tipping change is appreciated. You know, on a $30 bill maybe tipping a buck or two is fine.


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8 Risks to Colonial Restoration in Ecuador


This week the NY Times released an interesting article on colonial restoration in Cuenca.

The idea is basically taking an old Spanish colonial building, reworking the interior and selling it off in pieces as individual apartments.

And it’s a great opportunity in Ecuador.

For instance, the article stated the buyer paid $148k for an apartment in the colonial house… and I personally know you can find entire old colonial houses in the old town of Cuenca right now in June of 2012 starting around $120k. So if you buy the colonial, and splice it out into 4 or even 6 separate apartments and resell each one, it could be quite profitable.

But before you dive into this head over feet, there’s a few things you should know, risks to keep in mind… things I’ve learned on the ground and heard from several folks in this business, including the developer mentioned in the NY Times article, Juan, who I’ve known for several years now.

1. The Municipal is key! The Municipal in Cuenca will ultimately approve or nix your project from the get go, and you have to respect their decision, because ultimately they’re the ones who will, or will not, issue the separate titles to the units located in your colonial. Have patience, dealing with Municipals in Ecuador can be a very time consuming and frustrating process (plan on months, several months to hear back from them once your plans are submitted). Contacts help. Ideally its best to check on the feasibility of your idea with them before you buy the house in the first place.

2. Mind the structure. Even if you get approved for your project the city is very strict about protecting the overall aestetics of the old town and even if the house is about to fall down you wont be able to change much with regards to the exterior, so know and check that before you buy!

3. Clear title? Even if you’re an experienced Ecuador property trader you’ll still want to hire a lawyer to check on the title and domain history of the property because titles for homes in the old town can go back literally centuries so it’s best to be sure the title is free and clear before you buy a place. Titles particularly get mucky after deaths or divorces.

4. Keep your market in mind. Your main market will be foreigners, no doubt. Ecuadorians don’t really “aspire” for places in the old town, they don’t value the historical beauty like we, foreigners, do. So keep your market’s tastes in mind. Offer balconies, green areas (for pets), good lighting, nice views (if possible), and American style kitchens. People rent old, they buy new. That’s why a modern look in an old colonial shell is a real winner.

5. Consider the fringes. For most foreigners and tourists, the old town in Cuenca is the place to be… for a few days… but to live most prefer living just outside of it in nearby areas. The old town does have a lot of noise, honking, traffic, uneven sidewalks and smog. For this, the outskirts of the old town just may be the place to be if selling residences.

6. Cuenca’s “in” now, but will it soon be “out”? The highlands of Ecuador actually boasts several marvelous old colonial towns, a few of my favorites are in Quito, Loja and Ibarra. But there’s more, I’ll mention them on newsletters to come. Cuenca is the top draw now, but that could change overnight, in the other places you may be able to find a better buy. Worth a look!

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Machala – An Insider’s Guide




Machala was a dump most quickly passed over just a few short years back, but after the urban-renewel the place is rockin!

Well, it still has a small town feel, but it’s well worth a visit if getting off the beaten path is for you.

Chances are, here, you won’t see another foreigner around.

Where to stay?

-For budget travelers I’d stay at the Hotel Mosqueto, 2 blocks from the main plaza right beside Hotel Montecarlo, singles with fan $12. Acceptable, simple place.

-For bigger budgets looking for nice AC rooms, I’d try Hotel Montecarlo (all the taxis know it) 2 blocks form the main plaza. Single $30, Double rooms $40.

Where to eat?

-For some delicious tacos and Mexican food I’d try the stand on corner of Av 25 de Junio and Ayacucho. Prices start around $2.50.

-For some delicious local seafood dishes starting around $6, try the row of restaurants at the boardwalk (Malecon). $3 taxi ride from city center.

What to do?

-Be sure to visit the main plaza, grab an ice cream, then head out to the port and boardwalk area where you can grab a delicious seafood lunch or dinner.

-Take a tour of a Banana plantation with CristyViajes at Juan Montalvo 2338 entre Arizaga y Pichincha, a local travel agency, $25 half day tour.

-Take a tour of a nearby natural reserve where thousands of hummingbirds congregate on the route to the town of Piñas (also offered by ChristyViajes).

-Take a boat to the nearby island of Jambelí, where you can hit the beach at the resort area called El Faro.

-See the only petrified forest in Ecuador a few hours from Machala in the Natural Park, Puyango.

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