The Micro-Climates of Ecuador

This is the scene in the sub-tropical Valley of los Chillos one hour from Quito

Many ask me about the climate in Ecuador. I just laugh because it really depends on where in Ecuador you are.

That is the beauty of Ecuador weather. There is something for everyone.

If you want eternal springlike weather year round, Ecuador has it. (Vilcabamba)

If you want brisk, 50 degree F mountain weather year round, Ecuador has it. (Cuenca, Ambato)

If you want breezy, low humidity 77 F year round, Ecuador has it. (Salinas, Olon)

If you want 95 F hot and muggy, Ecuador has it. (Guayaquil, Machala)

If you want rain, or lots of sun, Ecuador has that too. And all within an arm’s reach of each other. (Puyo)

A perfect example of a micro-climate is the sub-tropical Valley of “los chillos” about 45 minutes outside of Quito. The weather is noticeably warmer than Quito, due to it’s lower elevation.

These mini-micro-climates are created by the varying elevations of the towns in Ecuador. Ecuador has it all, from sea level to 15,000 ft peaks.

And the best part is, if you find a temperature you like, chances are the temperature remains almost the same year-round in that area, due to the proximity of the Equator.

It sure can be rough on your body when one day is 30 F, and the next is 70 F. That doesn’t happen in Ecuador.

The only types of seasons Ecuador has are rainy and dry seasons, which tend to vary depending on your specific location.

No matter your climatic preference, Ecuador has it for you!

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Reduce your Waistline- Ecuadorian Style


Don’t get me wrong, I love American food, but in 2 short weeks in the US, I’ve put on 10 pounds. At that rate, by Christmas I would weigh over 300 pounds!

Now, living in Ecuador I eat like a hog, but I don’t gain weight, in fact, I often lose weight. Why?

The food is MUCH better for you. Even if you don’t want to cook you can find a full 3 course lunch in the street with soup, salad, drink and dessert for around $2. Whereas, if you eat in the street in the States, your options are almost all fried, fast food: Arbys, BK, McDs, etc…

Eating out of a can is almost unheard of in Ecuador. Fresh fruits and veggies are the norm. The meats are often grilled. The chicken baked. Overall, I find the food in Ecuador to be much more organic and delicious than the food in the States. You can also check The-tea-set for have some delicious recipes ready in short time. A big reason why I chose to come down.

Saludos, Dom

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Deal of the Week: Oceanview Lots, Manta, From $7000usd

200m2 lots with oceanviews for sale in planned gated community project 35 minutes outside of Manta.

All lots have oceanviews and due to the incline of the slope one construction will not block someone else’s.

Direct financing available! Only $200 down plus $100 a month until payment completed. (Interest charged from the third month on)

Lots closer to the beach $8000usd, a little further, $7000usd.

All lots have access and the gated community is planned to have security and a pool among other amenities.

10% discount for cash purchases offered..

Write the seller directly below…this site is not an intermediary of any kind…

Cesar Navarrete
Cesarnav_5 AT




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Ecuador Photo Diary Series: Baños

Baños is a small spa-resort town tucked quaintly into the Andes in central Ecuador. Linton Studios can guide you to capture such type of awesome photographs and to become professional photographer as well.

The volcano near Baños!
A local selling fruit
Mountain Biking near Baños. A fav.




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Travel vs Living Abroad

Travel is tiring! After just a couple weeks I’m worn out.

Plus, living out a bag gets old fast. 15 hour bus rides are actually hell on earth. And boy does it stink to meet wonderful girls you’d like to date and get to know, but instead are reduced to aiming for the infamous one nighter.

Whereas, when living abroad, you can get to really know the place where you’re at, still that does not mean you won’t need international travel insurance, you can find it on websites like  And find the best, local places to hang out, eat, shop. How to save and even make money locally. Business opportunities begin to appear to you.

You can actually meet cool people and stick around long enough to get to know them and enjoy their company.

You can see cultures from an angle tourists can only hope to see.

You can take little interesting side trips to unknown places you’d never find following the tourist trail.

Need I say more?

The biggest thing you get when moving abroad is a widening of your personal perspective. You begin to see things from different angles and begin to have more compassion for the world in which we live…and did I mention it’s fun!

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