What Russians do in Ecuador

“Hey Dom, so what do Russians do in Ecuador?” My friend asked, astonished by three sets of Russian guests in a row checking into my hotel near the Quito airport.

“Of the ones living here I know, Russians are in the flower exporting business, usually exporting them back to Russia.” Irked by the thought that even with a dozen roses Russian guys are still more masculine than me, I responded.

I continued…”After three-plus years here working with new arrivals, I could break it all down for you if you want?”

Americans sell Ecuadorian real estate to other Americans.

Canadians get into mining, usually in the Amazon region.

The Japanese minimize each minute they have to be in Ecuador, tourists in transit on a visit to the Galapagos.

The Chinese own shrimp farms in the Machala area, or dollar stores with cheap imported goods previously from China, now from Vietnam.

Europeans start an Eco-lodge, or Bed-and-breakfast-type guesthouse deep in a mountain somewhere in Ecuador.

Colombians usually get into the loan-shark business and drive around on intimidating motorcycles.

Cubans walk around wearing funny-looking bleached-out jeans and work at barber shops, or start a sandwich shop.

Indians (from India) start a slightly-above-average shawarma or Indian food restaurant.

Israelis film reality TV shows in the Amazon, really, they do!

Australians are usually 20-something backpackers who could quickly list you all the best pubs in Ecuador, but probably won’t recollect anything about their time here if you ask in a year.

Argentineans are usually hippies juggling under traffic-lights for coins.

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8 items you can “carry on” for profit in Ecuador

We all know, or at least you should if you follow this letter, that Ecuador has many high import restrictions and duties causing many items to be more expensive here than in the US, which also creates a lot of business opprtunities for the casual traveler.

As we’ve already covered, TVs, especially big screen ones, can fetch a nice profit in Ecuador. Even after paying the import duty upon arrival.

But I get it, for most, bringing down a TV is too much of a hassle.

Too big, too bulky, too heavy, maybe too expensive.

Also, upon arrival to Ecuador by land or air, you are guaranteed to have to pay an extra tax (in cash) for the TV, even if you are bringing just one unit. AND there are restrictions, the same person can only bring one TV down per year.

What about some items you could easily fit in a carry-on that would be nice re-sell opportunities? Here we go…

8. Name brand make up. For instance, Loreal Cream Visible Lift is available online in the States for $3.99 per unit… in Ecuador, the same cream goes for $18.60 online! In the stores it often goes for even more. Obviously, you can’t bring down too many units or your intent will look commercial, and taxable, but each one you pack is like packing a $20 bill.

7. Pack of 10 pairs of fake eyelashes. How much could a bit of hair weigh? I mean, really? Like almost nothing. Yet in the US, nice sets like this one can be found for $1.67, while in Ecuador the same or similar as seen here goes for $7 or more!

For the other 6 items in this list and a whole lot more very interesting ideas try my weekly newsletter, revealing everything you need to know BEFORE you invest in Ecuador. Unsubscribe at any time:

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Crossing the border into Ecuador

“If they try to stop you, just punch the accelator.” My friend said as we inched closer in our car to the border, about to enter Ecuador from Colombia.

I have never crossed a border by car so I really didn’t know what to expect.

Even my adventures down to TJ (Tijuana) for the day from San Diego were by foot, never by car.

There was a lot of traffic, and my nerves were staring to flare, I had an item I knew would incur a tax if they saw it.

As we inched closer to the border guards I saw them wave some cars through, others had to stop while they checked their trunk.

I was next.

I got the hault sign from the guards.

I started to press the pedal.

The brake pedal. Looking over to my friend, “come on man, you didn’t think I was going to do it, did you?”

They saw the item. And then waved me over to the window where I had to pay the corresponding tariff. $108 USD, ouch.

Got the receipt, and that was it.

The guards didn’t even want to look at it. No one checked that I had paid. But I kind of wanted them to cause I actually did pay.

When you come in by land they don’t seem to care about the small things, but the big things like TVs and refrigerators they are sure to catch and insist you pay the tax.

When coming in by air its different.

You might get chosen for a deep cavity search, but chances are you’ll just walk right through, even if you have some larger items. But TV’s they’ll always catch.

Either way you don’t have to pay the taxes ahead of time, just wait and see if they catch it, because you actually CAN’T pay ahead of time, I tried. They need to see the item and weigh it to charge you.

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3 Things All Ecuadorian drivers buy in Colombia

“This place is a mad house.” I said to my friend.

We were across the border from Ecuador, in Colombia, at a tire shop, and it was choke full of Ecuadorians buying tires for their cars.

I soon found out why.

A set of 4 Goodyear tires in Ecuador in the Quito area for my jeep/SUV would set me back $691 USD. I got the quote in September of 2015 a few days before I came to Colombia cause I had heard whispers.

In Colombia, after converting the Peso to the Dollar with the current favorable exchange rate, the same Goodyear tires came to about $45 each! Total $180 USD!

Wow! Big difference, hard to believe I’m only 4 hours from Quito.

So, as you can imagine, a lot of drivers will drive over the border for the day, get new tires placed on their car, throw the old ones out and drive back over.

As long as you’re not bringing new, unused tires back loose inside your car the border patrol rightly assumes the tires are for personal use and don’t try to charge the steep import duties importing tires would normally incur.

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Irrigation system installed in Ecuador, hard lessons learned

This week I finished installing the irrigation system for my one hectare (2.2 acres) Stevia lot.

There were a few different options… install a drip irrigation system or a sprinkler system. My part-time farm manager with experience in Stevia said for this crop a sprinkler system is fine.

The quotes I was getting for installing the drip systems were $3-4,000 USD for the hectare.

The spinkler system about half that.

All said and done the sprinkler system came to $1,400 materials, $300 for the 5 horsepower Briggs-Stratton American gas pump, and $250 for the installation. Total $1950.

Duration of installation: 3 days.

There were cheaper Chinese pumps available in the $200 range but I went with an American brand.

But as soon as my manager saw the installed system as per the photo below, he said I should have used more powerful sprinklers and I would have put fewer lines and saved a lot, for a hectare he says I should have spent around $800 in materials. Overspent there. Live and learn.

Also, after a week of irrigating the land pre-arrival of the plants I´ve learned an important lesson, DON´T buy a gas pump! Go electric if humanly possible even though the electric pumps may cost triple that of the gas pumps, and it may be a hassle to get an electric connection nearby. It is not only cheaper in the long run but much less of a hassle also to not have to be going to gas stations every other day and filling up the 5 gallon jug.

Little things my manager probably should have told me but hey, now I know.

Only 4 more days left in the HALF PRICE special on my new Insiders Guide to Random Importing to Ecuador, a brief yet useful guide of the most profitable items to bring back from Colombia or the USA to Ecuador for the casual traveler or expat in Ecuador. This guide is ideal for ANYONE looking to travel to Ecuador (or for an expat living in Ecuador) that goes back frequently to the United States or Canada looking to make a few extra bucks.

Why not have your trip pay for itself, and more?

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