The 3 Most Visited Beaches In Ecuador

This week I got an email from a subscriber…“Hey Dom, I’d like to put a business on the beach in Ecuador, and from your experience, what would be the top3 most visited beaches in Ecuador, based on visitors and not whether they are foreigners or nationals?” ME: Well, I don’t have the exact statistics (I … Continue reading The 3 Most Visited Beaches In Ecuador

$3,500 Beachfront lot minutes from airport in Ecuador, 250m2

Today’s Ecuador deal of the day is in an area of the coast that has been completely overlooked by foreigners, yet I don’t understand why because its nice with huge deals to be had and just minutes from an airport with daily commercial flights to Quito. The area was also not effected by the recent … Continue reading $3,500 Beachfront lot minutes from airport in Ecuador, 250m2

Real-life earthquake experiences from around Ecuador

 Most say the quake epicenter was near the Ecuador-Colombia border. They’re wrong. It actually was a bit further south on the coast as the greater-Esmeraldas area actually didn’t sustain much damage. Interesting how one town on the coast was barely affected near  a town that just got pounded. The area most effected was the north central … Continue reading Real-life earthquake experiences from around Ecuador

Updates on road closings, openings in Ecuador due to earthquake

“Dude, why is that wine bottle dancing on the table.” A Canadian friend said as we were hanging out in the lobby of my hotel near the Quito airport. The quake was just powerful enough to be felt but that’s about it in Quito.  The bottle danced but didn’t fall over. The lights flickered, then … Continue reading Updates on road closings, openings in Ecuador due to earthquake