One of the coolest things to do on the Ecuador coast during the months of July and August is to go Whale Watching.
If you see whales anywhere else in the world, it’s going to cost you at least $50 (like it did for me in the Dominican Republic)…in Ecuador, it costs a mere $15-20 per person (and even less per person for groups).
The main season is July to late August, when the guides guarantee you will see whales or your money back.
Another cool thing about seeing whales in Ecuador is that unlike in other destinations, in Ecuador the boats can pull right up next to the whales and even chase after them, so you can get a real up-close-and-personal look at the mammoth sea beasts.
Yes, the whales are protected from commercial fishing in Ecuador.
The best places to see whales are Puerto Lopez and Salinas (for me).
Hasta pronto, Domenick…hey, if you liked this, you’ll love my weekly Foreign Investor’s newsletter for insider tips and opportunities in Ecuador…subscribe below(unsubscribe at any time):
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