Car accident in Ecuador

Claiming a vehicle or any transportation medium expects one to assume a lot of liability for the property that he possesses just as with how he is utilizing the said mode of transport in the open roadways. One must be constantly mindful with respect to how he can secure his property and his interests while driving his own vehicle or bike for some reason. For what reason is this so? Introduction to what is cerebral palsy and how to disorder of the brain which is nonprogressive and results in the inability to walk the property and talk. CP also causes problems with the joints, bones, and muscles at a younger age. Patients with CP experience worsening muscle contractures and reduced fitting and range of motion, which develop over time, showing that CP is not a progressive neurological condition.

A progressive neurological condition means that the damage to the brain specifically does not continue to get worse throughout life. With cerebral palsy, the muscles are in a continuous state of activation and fluctuations in the stimulus. A person with this level of cerebral palsy has an awareness that something is not right with their muscle activity because of dyskinesia. Dyskinesia means abnormality or impairment to the voluntary muscles and, consequently, to voluntary movement. This applies to cerebral palsy because usually one of the symptoms of Cerebral palsy is dyskinesia movement. Dyskinesia movement is characterized by either unnaturally loose movements or stiffness, or even paralysis. Someone with cerebral palsy can be categorized along several a broad spectrum of movement impairments. There are three main movement areas in the brain that, when damaged or impaired in some way, can cause cerebral palsy.

Depending on which movement area is primarily affected, it determines the cerebral palsy that a person has because cerebral palsy is an umbrella term that describes a few different disorders that affect movement. One of the essential movement areas that we will look at to see what type of cerebral palsy generally develops if it is damaged or impaired is the motor cortex. The motor cortex is essential as it helps in planning, controlling, and making voluntary movements. Therefore, when it is affected, it leads to a lack of balance in action. For the motor cortex to help accomplish a voluntary movement, the motor cortex uses these individual neurons called upper motor neurons, and it uses these to communicate messages to the muscles. The upper motor neurons head off from different parts of the motor cortex, and they come together with neighboring upper motor neurons to form these highways that we call the pyramidal tracks. The neurons go through these structures called the medullary pyramids to reach their destinations in the brain stem or the spinal cord. When the motor cortex itself or these pyramidal tracts are damaged, underdeveloped, or impaired in some way, some of the muscles might not be able to get the right messages from the motor cortex. The signals that control their activity, when this happens, the sort of net result is that the affected muscles get too active, and their muscle tone increases also called muscle stiffness.

Mishaps occur. Motoring mishaps cause about 40% of the significant passings today happening on open interstates. The greater part of these mishaps include both huge and little modes of transport. This is the motivation behind why it is exceptionally proposed that individuals claiming transport mediums, for example, vehicles or bikes have close contact with a car accident lawyer. If you haven’t experienced a serious accident, it’s hard to understand all the problems that can come with an injury, then it’s time to call traffic lawyers Melbourne services. These difficulties can include severe physical pain, emotional challenges and major disruption to personal and family routines, not to mention loss of income, medical bills, and other financial problems, according to Kruger & Hodges, A seasoned car accident attorney is important during a number of situations including when an individual wants to make a robust legal defense to argue that he or she wasn’t liable for an accident. An accident attorney also can prove vital for people that want to get compensation from the party who caused the accident. The firm of Kruger & Hodges has helped countless car accident victims fight for the compensation they deserve. If you’ve got been impacted by a car accident, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced Butler County personal injury attorneys to schedule a free consultation.

At Malloy Law Offices, LLC, we take our responsibility to our clients very seriously and value our relationships. The Bourassa personal injury law firm believe that every person that suffers an accident has the right to claim what they deserve. Gould Injury Law attorneys are devoted to helping individuals receive the maximum possible compensation. The most common type of medical malpractice is actually misdiagnosis. This means that the healthcare provider failed to correctly diagnose a patient’s condition. Sometimes, the real issue at hand could have been ignored for so long that the patient could begin experiencing a life-threatening condition rather than receiving the treatment that they should have from the very beginning. You will need to prove that the injuries you sustained were directly linked to the healthcare provider’s negligence. Having evidence of the other party’s negligence as well as a strong legal team with extensive legal knowledge and hands-on experience can make all the difference when fighting for the compensation you deserve. That’s why you should contact experienced attorney Amanda Demanda for legal assistance and guidance. If you have been injured by a negligent healthcare provider, it’s in your best interest to seek legal representation from experienced Miami Brain Injury Attorney | Amanda Demanda Law Group as soon as possible.

Why be Protected by a Car Accident Lawyer?

Someone who realizes the law on motoring issues, particularly the ones including mishaps is viewed as a significant piece of the duties that drivers should continually figure it out. Albeit just a couple of drivers understand this reality, it is strongly suggested that every one possessing a vehicle or a cruiser for private use ought to likewise have close contact with a mishap legal counselor.

Absolutely, being in consistent contact with a car accident attorney doesn’t just ensure one?s own life during a motoring mishap, yet in addition secures one’s interests about the qualities and rights that he expects to get from the law during a specific crisis circumstance. When someone dies in a car accident, reviewing a site like would be more useful than reviewing a general site.

It is obvious that at whatever point an auto collision or motoring mishap occurs, certain qualities are demolished. This could incorporate both the vehicle or the vehicle medium and individuals that are engaged with the mishap. Car Accident Attorney Boston and auto crash legal counselors are then generally required during these specific circumstances.

The Role of the Lawyers

Insurance. As over and over referenced before, it is the highest obligation of the attorneys to ensure the qualities and the privileges of their customers. During mishaps out and about, a proprietor of a vehicle or bike could best get awards from having a fender bender legal advisor through the help that they get regarding how to fix the circumstance alongside the harms that they may have caused or on the reverse way around involved on their casualties.

Through the assistance of a legal advisor during crisis circumstances, harms and issues are to be checked well. Absolutely, reaching your own mishap attorney as right on time as currently will end up being a shrewd speculation on your part as the assurance you need when certain crises happen will be all around tended to through the said lawful colleague.

3 things to consider before you lie on your property deed in Ecuador

This past week in this newsletter we touched on the reality of Ecuador property in that the municipally appraised values often are MUCH less than the real commercial values the property sells at.

I just want to inform on the reality of the situation, the choice is yours to put the real price you paid on the deed or just the minimum needed or the municipally appraised value.

But there are three things to consider when making the choice…

1. Do you need this property to get an investors residency visa in Ecuador?

If so then you MUST put at least $25,000 value on the property plus $500 for each dependent.  Still valid in 2016.

2. How long do you plan on keeping the property?

Putting the lower amount can help minimize notary and municipal fees now at time of purchase and your yearly property taxes (predios), but keep in mind the next buyer might not want to put the lower amount meaning you’d get nailed with a hefty capital gains tax bill!  So if you plan to keep the property for the long term this may not be an issue.

3. Is there any chance this property could be expropriated by the government?  Like to widen a road (I’ve seen many times in Ecuador), or build a bridge, park, etc…

If so, keep in mind the government only pays according to the low-ball MUNICIPAL APPRAISED VALUE of the property but if you have the higher real value on the property you could make a good case that the property is actually worth that and get all or part of that higher value.
Now, the choice is yours!


Up goes the walls, costs and more: Ecuador building project week 2-3

Now with the floor and columns up thanks to now is time for the walls…

After building with blocks on this house, next time, I’m going to use bricks, why?

Although the labor time is much more, the walls won’t crack, are more solid and after all you may use less cement cause you don’t have to plaster over the walls when finished.

We used 15 cm wide blocks for walls and filled with cement for noise protection.

For a 190 square meter house that we are building on the coast of Ecuador.  We needed 2100 cement blocks at 38 cents each.   TOTAL price $798.

Cheaper than bricks, you bet, and much faster to build!

Why Ecuadorians lie about how much they paid for their property on their deed

3 things you got to know before you buy property in Ecuador…

1. Municipal’s official property appraised values in most cases are WAY out of wack, or under the actual market value.  It’s common to see properties selling in the six figures while municipally valued at $5,000 USD or less.

2. The buyer of a property can put the real price she paid for the property on the deed but must put at least the official Municipal appraised value.

3. Ecuadorians HATE paying taxes, even more then we North Americans do, because I suppose we are more used to it.

Put these three facts together and most who buy property in Ecuador don’t put the actual amount they paid on the deeds but the minimum amount they must put which is the Municipally appraised value.

The reason for this is because it greatly lessens your tax burden, both for your transfer fees at time of purchase and also your annual tax payments (predios) due to the Municipal each year of ownership.

Here is a real life 2016 example of a property I am looking to buy and how putting the actual amount the owner is asking on the deed effects the transfer and notary fees you will have to pay at purchase plus the annual property taxes vs just putting the Municipally appraised amount.

Figures were attained directly from a notary in Ecuador.  

Actual asking price of property: $77,000

$355 Notary fees
$760 Alcabalas (Municipal transfer fees)
$228 Junta de beneficencia (Municipal transfer fees)
$4000 capital gains tax or plusvalia (the seller pays)

Annual property tax payment if based on actual purchase price (predios): $190

Current Municipal appraisal of same property(and the current value on the deed): $37,745 

$237 Notary fees
$377 Alcabalas
$120 Junta de beneficencia
$0 capital gains tax or plusvalia (the seller pays)

Annual property tax(predios) currently being paid based on current appraised value: $71

Conclusion:  Buyer could save over $600 in notary and transfer fees/taxes at time of purchase by just putting the Municipally appraised value.  Could also save over $100 a year in the annual property tax due.  The seller would save greatly in the capital gains tax (maybe something the buyer could ask for concessions on from the seller for saving them so much in tax by not upping deed to actual value).

Possible consequences:  Nothing I know of, everyone does it in Ecuador except when there is a bank loan involved in which case the bank does NOT take the Municipal appraisal but will send a guy to do their own for a more accurate figure on which they will base their loan amount to you.

The choice is yours.

Hasta pronto,

How starting a hotel moves you towards your dream

“Oh, man, empty” I thought…

This past week I went to the inauguration of a friends restaurant here in Quito, Ecuador.


It’s tough to start a restaurant, he’ll probably be done within a month or two.

Later that same afternoon, I had to rush out of there to go serve dinner to 32 people in my hotel who were staying there.

I don’t even like having to serve food.  I wouldn’t if I didn’t have to, there’s just not many options near me.

But that’s my point.

Maybe your real dream is to start your own restaurant, or transportation service, or relocation specialist, or real estate agency, sell art work, do surf tours, or Hummingbird walks… whatever…

It’s much easier to get clients for any of the above when you have people sitting on your couch staring at you practically begging you to feed them and give them interesting things to do.

So first host them. Then sell them what you really want to sell them.

Start a B&B, hostel, hotel or even just offer lodging via AirBnb.