$35k, Cuenca Office for Sale in Old Town, Zona Rosa


$35k, Cuenca Office for Sale in Old Town, Zona Rosa, 3 rooms, 2 bath, great location! Call 0991768891 for more.

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Doms Guide to Tulcan

Where to stay in Tulcan?

Hotel Unicornio: Pichinha y Sucre. This hotel is my pick for budget travelers, right where you want to be within walking distance of most of the points in the town. Clean, safe, simple rooms starting around $10 per person, also near a Chinese restaurant.


Where to eat in Tulcan?

Id try El Patio on Bolivar near 10 de Agosto, delicious Colombian food like the Bandeja Paisa.


What to do in Ibarra?

– Cross the border to Colombia.

– Visit the famous cemetary.





The streets of Tulcan, Ecuador.

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Doms Guide to Ibarra

Where to stay in Ibarra?

Hotel Barcelona: Flores 8-51. This hotel is my pick for budget travelers, right where you want to be within walking distance of the market and a short taxi ride to most of the points in the town. Clean, safe, simple, large rooms in an old colonial starting around $10 per person.


Where to eat in Ibarra?

Id try the delicious crepes in the restaurant of the Hotel La Giralda.


What to do in Ibarra?

– Trout fish in the nearby lakes!

– Rent a bike and bike around Yaguarcocha Lake.

-Kayak in the nearby rivers (inquire more in the tourist info center at la Esquina del Coco. )


The extinct volcano Imbabura.


The streets of Ibarra, Ecuador.



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$135k, Quito Large, Old Colonial House Ideal for Hotel


$135k, Quito Old Colonial House Ideal for Hotel, 2 storefronts, various bedrooms, restored, call 0998574113 for more.

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$19k, House for sale in Manta near Airport


$19k, House for sale in Manta near Airport

For more call 0997124377.

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