Beautiful Beachview Cottages in Olon From $58,000

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Ibarra 3 Bedroom Apartment, $30,000

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Deal of the Week: Beach House in Ballenita, $38,000

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Next Expat Meet up in Quito- 7:30pm Mon Sept 27

Next Expat Meet up in Quito- 7:30pm local time Mon Sept 27 in the Mulligans Bar in the Mariscal for Monday Night Football…

All are welcome, even Steeler fans…I guess…

Come, meet people, make friends…if interested in attending please confirm by writing me in the contact page or in the comments, thanks…Dom

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Ecuador Real Estate Tours, Hype or Help?

Did you know that in Ecuador several companies offer real estate/investor tours in Ecuador for foreigners looking to buy property?

They work like a typical travel tour but they show you properties for sale and educate you on local trends and the buying process…

…When I first heard about real estate tours in Ecuador, I laughed and commented, “Are you kidding? Does anyone actually pay for those?”

I didn’t believe they had value.

But after spending some time in Ecuador, my new answer when people ask me if real estate tours are worth the price tag is, “It depends”.

They are right for some people and not for others.

If you have never been to Ecuador before, and have limited to no Spanish abilities, I’d say the real estate tours are a good option for you. In the right tour, you could see and learn more in a week than you could on your own in months.

However, if you speak a good bit of Spanish, and have been to Ecuador before and know what a ‘ceviche’ is, I’d say NO, don’t bother, save the $, and go it alone on your property hunt.

So if you decide to buy a real estate tour in Ecuador, make sure the tour meets these criteria:

-Does the tour offer some sort of education, teaching local trends, obstacles to avoid, and how to find the best deals?

-Is the tour put on by people who are really 100% unbiased, in other words, not trying to sell you their property?

-Can you buy in small chunks? Better to drop a few hundred on a few days than a few thousand on a couple weeks…

Personally, I don’t hold tours, but I can recommend you to someone that does, and she does a real amazing job, so I feel comfortable with the recommendation… Her name is Clara Salgado… and you can see more about her tours here…

If you are more of a Do-it-yourself-er, there is no better, un-biased piece of literature on the net about how to find the most property listings in Ecuador than my guide found here.

Saludos, Domenick Buonamici

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