Deal of the Week: Oceanview Land for Sale in Olon

olon land for sale
Olon is a small, peaceful village just north of Montanita on the South Ecuador coast

900 sq. meter lot of land for sale in hills behind Olon…
Asking Price: Last checked $3600 (But price may have been risen by owner)

The lot does boast a beautiful ocean view but does not have good road access nor water, electricity or phone services…they would have to be connected

If interested, contact owner directly at Carmen Arce, [email protected] cell: 082950748

…Hasta pronto, Domenick…hey, if you liked this, to stay in the know on other deals like this…subscribe below(unsubscribe at any time):

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Where NOT to Invest in Ecuador

buy property in ecuador

A LOT of people ask me where to invest in Ecuador…

…And last week on my weekly insider’s newsletter (sign up below free) I got people talking with my “bubble theory”, or unconventional advice for Ecuador home buyers to not try to find the hidden gem areas and in fact, to invest in discovered areas where property values have already risen. Contact Home Buyers Birmingham to get help selling your house fast or to receive up-to-date information on home buying/selling process. To know more about Achat maison etats unis go throgh this website. Many companies have their relocations planned for right after the primary of the year, numerous relocating employees will use the vacations to plan exploratory visits and searching the web.  By having your home on the market and internet now, buyers will have the time to look at your home once they are more relaxed and have the time. Other than this you can check out new home listings in Ontario here.

The key is just to look a little harder and find an undervalued property in an already discovered, appreciated area. And if you were to learn more, you’d know that you can, with the help of technology, find who owns the property you’d be looking for.

The reason for this is simple.

Why try to “hope” and “create” demand for an area when you can look a little harder than everyone else and find a deal in an already appreciated, discovered area with foreign interest, giving you a MUCH quicker turnaround and significant return on investment. This is a strategy property buying companies usually have. Browse our site to learn how such company works. You never know when you might need to sell your house fast. This is exactly in our sphere.

So where are these “bubble” areas or places that have already been discovered, and where I recommend you invest for the best short term gains…?

There aren’t many, Ecuador is still relatively undiscovered and it is a small country.

On the coast, the areas I have seen attracting the most foreign interest (and where property values have already risen a bit) are Salinas, Olon, Manta and to a lesser extent the Bahia de Caraquez area and Canoa.

The places on the coast that are attracting the most local buyer interest are Salinas, Tonsupe (in the north) and Manta.

As for the Andes, highlands region…the discovered areas drawing the most foreign investor interest are by far Cotacachi, and Cuenca…and to a lesser extent, Quito and Vilcabamba. And the locals tend to stick to the big cities (Quito, Cuenca).

Now, I am a more short-term investor type.

I like to get in and out of my Ecuador investments. I had a property in Olon I resold in a few weeks, compared to properties in undiscovered, yet beautiful, areas of the coast that I see take over a year to resell…! I have learned the hard way that most people really don’t like to get too far off the beaten track (even though sometimes they say they do)…

So, based on the aforementioned places, you now know where I honestly recommend you invest!

Next week I am going to talk about the dos and donts of buying communal land, an absolutely essential read for any possible Ecuador property investor!

And to learn where to invest based on the type of property you are interested in (vacant land, condos, town house, colonial home) my full Ecuador real estate guide is still the best read on the net, check it out here…

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Beware for your Baggage on Discounted Flights to Ecuador

I recently bought a flight from Ecuador to the USA. It was discounted, purchased online, and I had to do a layover in Bogota for a few hours, on my way to Miami.

I actually had flights on different airlines, even though I bought my flight all together. In Bogota, they almost made me leave the terminal and customs and force me to re-enter security.

At the last minute, I convinced them not to make me do that, considering I had only 30 minutes before my next flight.

As I sprinted across the airport to switch airlines and board my next flight, I realized that if you buy a discounted fare online that combines different airlines in your itinerary, there is absolutely no way your bags would arrive at your destination!

Luckily, I travel light and did not check any.

So buyer beware on flights to and from Ecuador, preferably try to travel without checking any luggage!

Saludos, Dom

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How to Deal with Expat “Haters”

Do your closest friends and family really lay into you when you mention your desire to move abroad?

Ever hear things from them like…Are you crazy? How will you make a living (if you have no pension)? But, foreigners all want to come here, why would you go there? I don’t think it’s safe, haven’t you seen the news?

…and more…

I heard these questions before I moved abroad right after I graduated college from my dad, grandmother and host of others…

Now, some of my friends reacted differently, saying I was so lucky and they wished they could move abroad too but they just had too much debt.

Well, I smirked when they told me this cause I also had 5 figure debt after college when I moved abroad. But I went anyway, and I have since paid it off with money I made in Latin America (probably faster than I would have staying to work in the US).

I think when you deal with these people the best thing to do is remember that they mean well, but they just don’t get it. They aren’t you. And often, are projecting their own insecurities onto you.

In fact, they probably haven’t even been to the country you wish to move to, and have already passed judgment.

The fastest way to regret is to not be true to you. Be true to yourself and your dreams. Don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way.

Hear them out. Don’t try to reason with them. Say comforting things like, “I’ll come back if it doesn’t work out” or “We’ll be in touch everyday”… then just go.

Now, even though you just mentioned you’d be open to coming back, I don’t recommend having a plan B. It is like setting yourself up to fail. All or nothing, man, live like a Texan!

And unlike you may hear from other expat experts, I don’t recommend traveling around for a while in your chosen region before picking a place to stay.

I’ve done it. It is just too damn stressful. Too many options. It’s better to just go, see a couple places in your region of interest, pick one and make it work.

Besides, it’s not the place you’re after, it’s probably the “change”. And remember, being in a specific place won’t make you happy, it’s the people in the place and how you feel on the inside that are more important. So remember upon arrival, don’t camp out behind a computer, get out, meet people, learn the local language and get involved, you’ll be happy you did.

So stop reading this and go over to Expedia and book that flight already…I mean now!

Cheers, hope to see you down here, Dom

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Deal of the Week: 40 Hectares of Beachfront Land, Manta. $500,000usd

40 Hectares for sale on beachfront slab of land south of Manta. Asking price $500,000 usd.

Land can be subdivided and sold. Great for community project. Direct beach access.

Write the seller directly below…this site is not an intermediary of any kind…

Cesar Navarrete
Cesarnav_5 AT


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