Is Ecuador Wheelchair Friendly?

Many ask me this, but honestly, in a word…”no”…Ecuador is not wheel chair or handy-cap friendly.

Just like in many developing nations, many curbs are not cut for people in wheelchairs, and even older buildings have not been too considerate to folks in wheelchairs.

However, this is slowing changing and many of the newer buildings are slowly becoming more wheelchair-conscious.

Even the taxis and other public transport options are not particularly equipped for wheelchairs. Just tellin’ it like it is, sorry about that.

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Paola Sandoval: Guide-Car Rental Specialist, Guayaquil


If you would like to rent a car or have a bilingual guide for house hunting on the southern coast please consider me and my business.

Our offices are located just outside the international airport of Guayaquil.

We have been in business over 10 years and have a fleet of over 25 cars and boast some of the cheapest prices for rentals in Ecuador.

Our telephone numbers and info are on our website easily visible in the upper right… Click here for Car Rentals in Guayaquil.

Thanks, Paola at Carmax Rent a Car

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Feeling Lonely Abroad? Blame it on Disney…

OK, so you made the big leap.

The big move abroad you have had on your mind for years now. You maybe even left that special girl or boyfriend to do it, family, a job, a friend network or whatever.

You were comfortable. Now, you’re not. You’re in a new scene. You know few, if any, people.

Everything’s going fine, but, ummm, you’re kind of lonely.

It’s only been two weeks, but you are already tired of eating alone in restaurants.

I know, I get it. I’ve been there too. It’s tough.

Especially if you are longing to have a special, intimate someone in your life.

But I say, blame your loneliness on Disney!

That’s right. Seriously.

It’s during those Disney movies we all watch as a kid when it begins to get embedded in our brain that their is only one special someone out there for us. That we NEED that prince charming to be happy.

I say hogwash.

The reality of the situation is that there are MANY people “perfect” for you, most just end up settling down with one when the time happens to be right for both.

Couples are replaceable. Live your dream. Be true to you. Don’t let anything or any one stand in your way. Be a little selfish. You’ll be happy you did.

It may sting for a bit, but time cures all.

Remember, there are positives and negatives to everything in life…

Being single is often a choice you are making deep down.

When you’re single, you really don’t have to answer to anyone, you’re free, you can do what you want, when you want. Of course there are negatives too. Know thyself, and decide what you want.

Then find it.

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The Backdoor to an Ecuador Retiree Visa

On my weekly newsletter I recently mentioned how to get a retiree or an investor visa to live in Ecuador indefinitely.

The requirements are pretty straightforward, once in Ecuador you could actually apply and get a resident visa on your own, which I explain fully in my guide here.

Now, there is one way I didn’t mention to get a coveted resident or retiree visa.

You can invest $25000usd or more in a Pichincha Bank “Banco de Pichincha” CD. Currently it is earning 6%. Not bad! You can take it out whenever it is you wish to leave the country.

You can also get a resident visa buying property, but with the CD investment, you don’t have to invest in real estate until you are absolutely ready.

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5 Not-so-good Business Ideas for Ecuador

Ecuador is an amazing place for an entrepreneur! If you were ever thinking about running your own business…consider Ecuador.

There are so many things you could do it will boggle your mind…on this site I try to mention some of the best money making opportunities I have experienced or seen…but I’ll start with mentioning a few bad ideas for businesses in Ecuador…

1. Pizza Place: Ecuadorians are not crazy about pizza like we Americans are, it is common to meet locals who haven’t eaten pizza for over a year. And there are already MANY pizza places including the US chains like Papa Johns, Dominos and Pizza Hut.

2. Homecare: In Ecuador you can hire a personal maid and pay her/him around $300-400 a month for full time help (more if you need special assistance of course). With those prices, home care is not a very valid business idea unless you can put a special expertise or twist to it.

3. Dogwalker: I have seen that locals simply don’t spend much money on their pets compared to the US, and although I have not seen this offered, I don’t recommend it, cause even if you found a client in Ecuador the pay would be very little for this.

4. Import cars: Cars are WAY more expensive than Stateside, true. But there is a reason. The import tariffs are really high, cutting out any margin you could gain from casually importing cars…now on a large scale it may be profitable…but remember used cars are not permitted to enter the country (with one exception, which I will be covering on my weekly newsletter, sign up below)…

5. Mexican Food: Surprisingly, I have seen several Mexican food restaurants do NOT so well in Ecuador. I wouldn’t recommend putting another one.

Check back in the upcoming days for GOOD business ideas which I will be posting to the site and my free newsletter… sign up below, thanks, Dom

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