9 Ecuador Expat Success Stories

Ecuador is loaded with business opportunities, and it goes well beyond exporting flowers (yawn)! Let me explain…

The key is not to come down looking for a job. In Ecuador, it’s far easier and more profitable to create your own!

If you’ve ever dreamed of owning your own business, but it wasn’t feasible due to excessive licenses, hefty taxes or high costs of labor…Ecuador is for you.

No doubt about it, entrepreneurs go wild in Ecuador where the locals love spending on new things from abroad.

Not to mention, the zoning laws aren’t nearly as strict as in the US, making it fairly easy to put up what you want where you want it. Plus, unlike many Asian countries, foreigners can create and own businesses outright without any local “majority partner”.

Here are 9 examples of innovative businesses both myself and a few of my expat friends have dabbled with:

9. Day Trader: For me, stock trading on the internet is just an addictive hobby, but for my friend, it’s life. He’s able to live off what he trades online via sites like etrade.com. Nowadays, your options are plentiful; you can trade currencies (FOREX), commodities, mutual funds, or individual stocks…from anywhere that has an Internet connection. Checkout ForexDominance – Forex Resources and Reviews for useful tips on trading currencies.

8. Work Remotely (Lawyer from CA): One day, my friend was sitting in his office in California thinking, “why am I here when I could be somewhere warmer, cheaper and surrounded by beautiful Latinas…I could work from anywhere that has an Internet connection, all I do all day is talk on the phone and sit in front of my computer anyways…” So he left. Now he’s enjoying himself in Ecuador. I’m sure many of you with established client bases could work remotely from Ecuador without missing a beat using VoIP internet phone software to call US or European phones cheaply like Vonage, Magic Jack or Skype…

7. Exchange agency: Traveling freely is one thing I think most Americans take for granted. Think about it, every time an Ecuadorian wants to go to the States, they have to apply for a visa, whereas us, we just hop on a plane with our passport and can enter most countries. That gives us a distinct advantage in businesses that require constant back and forth, like this one. Basically, my friend arranges summer work study placements for local Ecuadorian (and other Latin) students and gets paid a fee per placement. Most of these agents work with a partner in the US that helps in placing the students Stateside, you in Ecuador would be the recruiter.

6. Programmer:
This friend of mine quickly discovered that for a programmer in Ecuador, it is more profitable to work with international companies via the internet than for local businesses. Life’s good, he makes his own hours, gets sent the projects via email, talks with his employers via Skype free, and gets paid via PayPal. (You can set up your own PayPal account today free in about 5 minutes at PayPal.com. PayPal is like an online bank account used by millions which allows you to receive online payments from anyone with a credit card or who have PayPal.) He hunts for new jobs at sites like Scriptlance.com and eLance.com. And many other jobs could also be done in this online manner.

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Where Can I Watch NFL Games in Ecuador?

Good question. As an NFL lover myself (Go Browns!) I have researched this already.

In Quito, try the Bungaloo Bar in the Mariscal on Sundays…remember the time difference. They have several TVs showing several (but not all) of the games…

In Guayaquil, it is more difficult being a less touristy city…the ONLY place I’ve found that plays international or USA sports is the Friday’s at the Mall Del Sol. But even they only have one or two TVs and only a few of the international channels to choose from.

Or, if you have access to a FAST internet connection, you can watch any game you want streamed live for free at a great site I found, http://channelsurfing.net/

If you know of places in Quito, Cuenca, Manta or anywhere else in Ecuador that shows international sports please suggest them in the comments below, thanks, Dom

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Hey, Ecuador Real Estate Professionals: Get Listed on this Site Now

Are you a real estate professional in Ecuador?

Get listed here on this site…for free by submitting via the contact form!

Please send your name, service you provide and contact information along with Why someone should work with you and you could get listed here today…

Thanks, Domenick

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Ecuador eMail Scams: Know this Before you Hand out your Email in Ecuador

If you hate email spam, know this before you come to Ecuador…

Email spam laws are on the books in Ecuador but are not very well enforced. Spam is common from some Ecuador businesses.

Several local businesses will ask for your email when making a purchase or requesting information…but before you give it out, know that chances are they are going to put your email into their database and begin sending you promo emails, while not offering you a chance to opt out or asking first.

Also, often, even writing businesses via their web contact form will pool your email into their database and you will begin to see unwanted emails from them.

So, be careful when giving out your email in Ecuador and I also recommend having two emails, a real one and a junk one you give out to everyone and sign up for things with online. As for the junk email, you don’t care the slightest how much junk it receives.

Another recommendation is to open a gmail account. It’s free, easy to use and has excellent spam filters when compared to the other email service providers.

Now, ironically I’m going to ask for your email, but you can unsubscribe at any time!…=) If you liked this please fill in below to sign up for my weekly newsletter where I reveal all the latest money making opportunities and scams I see in Ecuador…

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Are your Medications Available in Ecuador?

Want to move to Ecuador…but not sure if the meds you need are available here?

For some it would be a nightmare not being able to get a supplement in time of need. The lgd 4033 is widely recommended by physicians because it doesn’t come with any major side-effects. Unlike the regular steroid that takes you along a risky path, Ligandrol doesn’t have any major side-effect even when you’re battling out a pre-existing ailment. The dosage is simple, and since the medication is widely available anyone can take it. LGD-4033 is also known for increasing the overall T-levels in our system. The T-Level, on the other hand, is popular for promoting growth and development in muscles. As is the case with most opioids, kratom withdrawal likely begins with agitation, watery eyes, anxiety, sweating, a runny nose, insomnia, and muscle aches. The stenabolic can have remarkable health benefits for people suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol, and people who are at a greater risk of having heart attacks or other heart diseases. Because of the ability of SR9009 to improve the performance of your muscles, the supplement is very helpful for trainers and athletes for achieving their desired fitness performance. The kratom withdrawal can be minimized and the side effects regulated through a medical detoxification program that accounts for all the genetic, biological, and environmental factors during treatment. According to a study from PubMed, Ligandrol significant enhances the lean mass of your body, by offering the same beneficial effects as the naturally found androgen hormones. Some of these effects include higher energy production and quicker blood circulation. One of the biggest side-effects of steroids is prostate cancer. However, such is not the case with LGD-4033. Since this is a selective product, it will only affect certain specific tissues of your body like your bones, and muscles. You have a peek here for more detail about crazybulk supplement. Over time, it will reduce the possibilities of muscle waste ailments like cancer, or osteoporosis in these specific areas. Additionally, once you start using Sunergetic Products Blood Sugar Support supplements, the effects of other steroids won’t affect you either. Therefore there’ll be absolutely no risks of acne, hair loss, high blood pressure or water retention. Kratom is an herbal leaf with medicinal properties that grows from a large tree called Mitragyna speciosa. This tree is native to countries in Southeast Asia particularly Myanmar, Malaysia and Thailand. The locals use kratom in various ways: as a stimulant, a sedative, pain reliever, medicine for diarrhea, anti-depressant, or as opium substitute. Kratom is ingested either by chewing, drinking (grinding the leaves into tea powder or mixing with coffee) and smoking. You can get more info here about kratom. Borneo is reputed to be the world’s most populated island, but can the Red Borneo kratom which it produces also prove to be world-beating? In this article, we will delve into Red Borneo kratom and discover how it stacks up in the kratom world. Should you try it, and is it any good?  Long before anyone knew about Kratom, people were using it in the South East Asia regime for many centuries. By the time its popularity started spreading to the Western market, the locals were well ahead of everybody in the growing, harvesting, and processing techniques of the plant. Even now, no kratom can equal the quality of that obtained from these Asian resorts. One big reason is the unique tropical climate and soil quality that ensures exceptional kratom quality. The indo kratom that is grown displays 3 main types or strains. These are the green, red, and white vein kratom strains. You can tell this by looking at the color of the stems or the veins of the leaves. Each different color brings you a different effect and experience due to a unique mix and concentration level of compounds. But the distinction of kratom strains goes beyond color and includes the location from where it is obtained. Even though they all come from the South Eastern Asian tropical region, the exact location where the Kratom grows gives birth to the distinct strains that we use. Hence Red Borneo, which comes from Borneo in Indonesia, may differ from other red strains such as Red Bali or Red Maeng Da. 

When kratom is used in low doses, it can substantially reduce fatigue and induce a feeling of mild euphoria. Although kratom in low doses is not known to interfere with a person’s daily activities, kratom users are advised to not perform any action that requires their full attention, such as driving or handling heavy machinery. Kratom contains epicatechin, an anti-oxidant. It also includes alkaloids that are said to have positive effects on a person’s immune system. Kratom has also been found effective in lowering blood pressure.

The main active ingredient in kratom is mitragynine, and it is known to affect a person’s mood and anxiety levels, thus acting as an anti-depressant. The same ingredient is also known to alleviate pain. There are also reports of people with hay fever getting well after kratom use. Many people also claim that using kratom helped them get better from a number of different illnesses, and appears to have various medicinal uses.

Fortunately, Ecuador is loaded with most of the medications you can find in the U.S.…and many generic knock offs which probably would not be permitted Stateside.

If you’d like to know specifically if your meds are available in Ecuador, how much they currently cost, and where you can find them the cheapest… write me via the contact form and I can find out for you, today!

Thanks, take care, Domenick

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