$162k, Villa in Gated Community near Cuenca

2 separate Villas for sale inside gated community of El Ejido near Cuenca Ecuador.

Each 516m2 lot, 245m2 of construction, 4 bedr, living area, kitchen, patio, laundry area, $162k

Finish date, Sept 2012.

For more contact:
Juan Carrasco
Espacio3 – Asesoría Inmobiliaria
Remigio Crespo 4-44 y Ricardo Muñoz
Teléfonos: (593-7) 2885575 / 2845540 / 094324612 / 098411651
[email protected]

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$6000, Crucita Lot for Sale

Land one block back from the ocean in Crucita (282.24 m2).


For more contact:
ING. Rene Barragan
renebarma AT hotmail.com

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Frailes.. The Nicest Beach in Ecuador?

Los Frailes is 10 minutes north of Puerto lopez, on the southern coast of Ecuador and is considered by many to be the nicest beach in all of mainland Ecuador.

Being part of a national park certainly helps preserve the beauty. The flora and fauna are very similar to that of Galapagos.



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5 Steps to Find a Killer Job in Ecuador

I hear it all the time.

“Dom, I’d love to move to Ecuador, but how would I make a living?”

I often greet this question with a laugh, because there’s so many opportunities down here, the hard part isn’t finding one, it’s choosing which you’d like to run with.

jobs in Ecuador for foreigners
Many think this is all there is to do in Ecuador… or is there?

I’d argue there’s even MORE opportunity for foreigners in Ecuador than Ecuadorians in Ecuador.


You’ve heard the saying “No one is a prophet in their own land?”

Well, it’s true, I’ve confirmed it in Ecuador, China, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, The Philippines and a few other countries over the last few years.

Hell, I’m not even “employed” in my own land, much less a prophet.

Down here, I’ve got two current gigs in the marketing department of Ecuador businesses.

And no, you don’t have to sell hot dogs, unless you want to.

You can find a job in what you do, as long as you’re willing to accept a little less than you’re used to Stateside… but it’s cheaper to live in Ecuador so for most it can even out. Money ain’t everything.

But for some, you’ll find you can make even more doing what you do in Ecuador than in your home country. Depends on the job.

So how would I find a job in Ecuador?

1. First, I’d get settled in by dedicating three months to just learning Spanish in one of the cheap language schools in Quito, Cuenca, or Guayaquil. I learned at the Galapagos School on Amazonas in Quito. It will add more value to your resume. Always add extra activities to your resume. To make you superior for a job. Prefer to create an effective resume to have more impact on the interviewer. You can also take support from build my resume for an attractive and creative resume.

You won’t get far in Ecuador without at least a conversational level of Spanish, luckily, Ecuador is one of the cheapest and easiest places to learn with classes starting around $6 an hour.

2. Then, identify what you want to do, and specifically with whom you’d like to work for, maybe with the aid of a local friend and a phone book (or Google).

3. Then, what’s worked for me in Ecuador, is to write and call the company directly via their website asking for the email or contact phone of the manager (or owner). You’d be VERY surprised how easily the “gatekeepers” in Ecuador will fork over their info. If nothing else, get their FULL NAME.

4. If all you get is the full name, then search the manager or owner on Facebook, almost everyone in Ecuador is on it, private message them directly with a brief note detailing who you are, what you’re looking for and why they should hire you (all in one paragraph).

The key here is to try to get in front of the main man of the business, you’ll be surprised how easy that is in Ecuador.

You could also try offering a free service to the target business, which will naturally make them curious about what they could pay you to do (don’t laugh, this has worked for me).

5. A more traditional route, and still effective one, would be to try one of the three main job search sites in Ecuador, loaded with new offers for employment daily, along with checking the Nashville legal recruiters updates, of course.

All in all, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the demand to employ foreigners in Ecuador by companies who’d like to expand to new markets and how easy it is for foreigners to get past the “gatekeepers” of businesses in Ecuador.

It is what it is.

For instance, yesterday, I was talking to the owner of an upscale, 17 room hotel near Cotopaxi who is looking for a foreigner who can be his hotel administator, opening available immediately, offering $750 fixed salary monthly plus 4% commission of all sales. Not bad for Ecuador and a good way to get your foot in the door. Apply here.

As for a work visa… I’d get a job you like first… then worry about that, often your new employer can help.

Now, if all else fails you could just sell hot dogs, which I’ve seen to be a VERY interesting opportunity in a few parts of Ecuador.

Or, you could stop by my B&B in Guayaquil, I could help you orient your job search in Ecuador if I’m around.

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Bribing Cops in Ecuador

“I’m in a… bad…. place…. right now.” My friend Ted said.

“Well, where you at?” I asked over the phone.

“I was tryin’ to find your Hotel, made a wrong turn, went wrong way on this road, now this cop pulled me over and is talking fast in Spanish, don’t know what he’s saying…”

“OK, pass your phone to the officer, I’ll translate…” I said.

The officer said my friend’s car was driving wrong way on a one way road, and that his car was not registered and that he was going to ticket my friend $90 and impound the car.

Then, I said the words local Ecuadorian friends taught me to say in these types of situations…

“Como podemos solucionar esto? (How can we solve this matter?)” That’s pig for “how much do I have to bribe you to let me go?”

The cop said $30.

My friend offered $20, the cop took it and let him go.

You see, there was NO PROBLEM with his registration… the cop just tried to intimidate him cause foreigners have a bad rep for opening their wallets under the smallest amount of pressure applied by cops.

Generally, the corruption among police in Ecuador has improved over the last few years, but there are still some bad apples out there… the traffic cops are the worst.

Once in a while this kind of sh*t happens in Ecuador, just like in ALL of Latin America and in most developing countries worldwide… you simply can’t trust the police as much as you’d like.

To avoid problems, I wouldn’t try to drive in the big cities of Ecuador your first time here… mainly Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca… especially when there’s so many cheap taxis and buses.

On the other hand, driving in the countryside and along the coast is easy and fun… on the coast it’s small towns, countryside, a one lane road and the driving laws are the same as in the States.

So if you would like to rent a car, I’d recommend catching a $4 bus or a $10 van from the big city of Guayaquil to Salinas, a small town on the coast, then renting a car at a place like SalinasRentaCar.com.

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