Location – Cumbaya, Subdivision: Primavera 2 / Hospital / Hotel, 16 rooms, 20 bathrooms, Features- Lot size- 1330 m² / Total construction- 1925m² – Private Bedrooms: 16 all of them with made with memory foam for you to be able to relax and have a good night sleep, Baths- 20 / Parking- 50 / Exquisite views…

Age- 28 years old / Built in 1995 – Storage rooms- 10 / Floors- 4

Great potential for an elderly care retirement home. Ecuador: Cumbaya- Suburb of Quito Popular with Expats – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMb_vJW463w&t=51s Location has abundant warmth and sunny days year round.

Contact info– [email protected] For more details, photos or to schedule a showing call EC. cell # whats app: (593) 98-828-8953, http://www.journeymanjack.com/
US toll free # 770-828-7913, and we will respond within 1 business day,

…asking $1.75Million, #EcuadorRealEstate – http://EcuadorRealEstate.org
“I’d rather prep 15 years too early than 15 minutes too late.” #StrategicRelocationEcuador – #JourneymanJackinEcuador –
http://JourneymanJack.com/ [email protected] –
Call Toll free from U.S. & Canada: Mnts: 770-828-7913, & Coast: 770-988-4492, Ecu. Off: 02-380-4088, Ecu. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953,
WhatsApp, Telegram, Zello, Viber, Wickr
Signal, WIRE, Element, Sessions:
“If you wait for the perfect time to launch a new business,
you will never be in business. If you want to travel,
there is no perfect time. Don’t wait for conditions
to be perfect for anything…just go do it!” (Updated NOV 2023)
“Faith is not about everything turning out OK;
Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out.”