Casinos Out! Vote Bans Casinos in Ecuador

In the recent popular vote, Ecuador citizens decided to prohibit casinos in Ecuador. At the same time, with the closure of these casinos, the development and release of another way to play casino, which is online like 666 Casino are new deals for people living in Ecuador. The only places that will be allowed to continue offering gaming will be a few, select large casino-hotels.  That’s why people shift to slots online win real money, not only that, these remaining local casinos become so strict that you can’t easily enter the building. As there are many legal platform like pgslot are available. People can play online casino without any disturbance. People can enjoy Online slots  (สล็อตออนไลน์) on trusted platforms.

People loves to play casino games on online platforms. They also enjoy betting and earns good cash. Well poker online is also getting more popular among people.

Several smaller casinos have already been closed. Sbobet is the most preferred platform for sport betting and casino gaming. Guess anyone who’s adamant about their gambling will have to stick to’s top online casinos and other alternatives of the like.

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9% Increase in Tax Revenue Announced

This week the SRI Announced this week a 9% Increase in the Amount of Taxes Collected in the First Semester of 2011 in Ecuador. I’m not surprised, the SRI is doing a great job of infusing fear into businesses so they keep better records and pay the amount of taxes they’re required to by law.

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Dodging Street Dogs in Ecuador

As I house hunted this week, I can honestly tell you one of the top dangers for anyone looking for property in Ecuador are the street dogs!

In Ecuador, like in most developing countries, there are several dogs roaming the streets.

The worst are the dogs on the property of private owners, when looking at a property they could sneek up on you like they have me. People are more lax about putting beware of dog signs.

But thankfully I’ve never been bit in Ecuador, only once in Brazil.

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How’s the Cell Phone Coverage in Ecuador?

Its not bad, out in the boonies it fades a bit but it’s no problem in the big cities for the most part.

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Where Should I Start my Ecuador Property Searching Trip?

if you’re interested in looking for properties in the Andes region of Ecuador, start your trip in Quito. If your interested in coastal properties, start your trip in Guayaquil (2 1/2 hrs from the coast) or in Manta.

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