Everything you need to know before you move to or invest in Ecuador
Ecuador Photo Series: Puerto Lopez
Puerto Lopez is a small town on the southern coast of Ecuador in between Montanita and Manta. (Refer to this map for details.)
It is famous for it’s whale watching tours in July and August each year.
The dry, sunny season is from December to April. The wet, cloudy season is from late April to November.
An overcast day in Puerto LopezHanging out at the beach in Puerto LopezThe beach of Puerto Lopez EcuadorThe beachfront line of shops and restaurants in Puerto Lopez
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Published by
Journeyman Jack Ecuador
Proudly serving Ecuador Expats since 2008,
My Services, web links, contact info
tel. #'s - US, CAN & EC. are all below:
Thank You,
Jack Abercrombie,
Cumbaya, Quito- ECUADOR S.A.
[email protected][email protected]
"May your strategy be as dark as night and as
swift as a boulder rolling down a mountain." ~ Sun Tzu
"I'd rather prep 10 years too early than 10 minutes too late."
Strategic Relocation Ecuador: http://JourneymanJack.com/
Ecuador Real Estate: http://EcuadorRealEstate.org
Call Toll free from U.S. & Canada:
Mnts: 770-828-7913, & Coast: 770-988-4492,
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Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is:
•EASY to love-
•HARD to understand-
•Impossible to forget-
'All the Very Best on Your Endeavors in Ecuador-
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