In fact, I was told by my source in immigration you can actually apply after about 2 and a half years.
But there is a lot of mis-information out there on this subject, mainly us gringos regurgitating random stuff we read on online forums.
1. Will getting dual Ecuadorian citizenship cause me to lose my original citizenship and passport? No! Not if you are from a country that allows and recognizes dual citizens like the USA, Canada, Ecuador and Great Britain to name a few.
2. Will getting Ecuador dual citizenship create an EXTRA tax burden for me? No. Ecuador like most countries not named THE US…tax only income made in Ecuador, doesn’t even matter what nationality the person that makes it is, if you are given an official Ecuadorian purchase receipt (factura) you have to pay tax to Ecuador on it. If not, no. Ecuador does not tax foreign made income.
3. Isn’t Ecuador one of those mandatory military service states? Actually yes, it is, but T.I.E. my friend (this is Ecuador)… to get out of it all an Ecuadorian male has to do is pay a tiny fine (last I heard it was well under $200). And truth be told, they would only be interested in you and possibly enforce it if you were 18-21 anyway. In fact, its not at all like the US, or like you think, there is actually a surplus of demand from locals to join the forces, and many who want to join are left out! Really! There just aren’t that many spots.
5. Isn’t there a nasty verbal exam of my Spanish level? No! The exam is actually WRITTEN, which makes it MUCH easier, yes, it is in Spanish, but with some test prep like the guide I’m offering today you should be fine. You will have to sing the Ecuadorian hym, but that is when you have ALREADY been accepted and you won’t be by yourself, but with everyone else sworn in that day so I’m sure you could find a way to ‘fake it til you make it’ like you did back in high school choir class. As for the written exam, the official told me you really have to B#MB it to fail it and yes, they’d let you take it again. They just want to see some effort. He also said the older you are the less they expect you to speak decent Spanish. So NO, there is no verbal exam but yes, some basic Spanish chit-chat would be nice to know going in, you know, stuff you can learn in a few weeks of Spanish lessons.
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