Up goes the walls, costs and more: Ecuador building project week 2-3

Now with the floor and columns up thanks to http://www.cormacmetalspray.com.au/ now is time for the walls…

After building with blocks on this house, next time, I’m going to use bricks, why?

Although the labor time is much more, the walls won’t crack, are more solid and after all you may use less cement cause you don’t have to plaster over the walls when finished.

We used 15 cm wide blocks for walls and filled with cement for noise protection.

For a 190 square meter house that we are building on the coast of Ecuador.  We needed 2100 cement blocks at 38 cents each.   TOTAL price $798.

Cheaper than bricks, you bet, and much faster to build!

Why Ecuadorians lie about how much they paid for their property on their deed

3 things you got to know before you buy property in Ecuador…

1. Municipal’s official property appraised values in most cases are WAY out of wack, or under the actual market value.  It’s common to see properties selling in the six figures while municipally valued at $5,000 USD or less.

2. The buyer of a property can put the real price she paid for the property on the deed but must put at least the official Municipal appraised value.

3. Ecuadorians HATE paying taxes, even more then we North Americans do, because I suppose we are more used to it.

Put these three facts together and most who buy property in Ecuador don’t put the actual amount they paid on the deeds but the minimum amount they must put which is the Municipally appraised value.

The reason for this is because it greatly lessens your tax burden, both for your transfer fees at time of purchase and also your annual tax payments (predios) due to the Municipal each year of ownership.

Here is a real life 2016 example of a property I am looking to buy and how putting the actual amount the owner is asking on the deed effects the transfer and notary fees you will have to pay at purchase plus the annual property taxes vs just putting the Municipally appraised amount.

Figures were attained directly from a notary in Ecuador.  

Actual asking price of property: $77,000

$355 Notary fees
$760 Alcabalas (Municipal transfer fees)
$228 Junta de beneficencia (Municipal transfer fees)
$4000 capital gains tax or plusvalia (the seller pays)

Annual property tax payment if based on actual purchase price (predios): $190

Current Municipal appraisal of same property(and the current value on the deed): $37,745 

$237 Notary fees
$377 Alcabalas
$120 Junta de beneficencia
$0 capital gains tax or plusvalia (the seller pays)

Annual property tax(predios) currently being paid based on current appraised value: $71

Conclusion:  Buyer could save over $600 in notary and transfer fees/taxes at time of purchase by just putting the Municipally appraised value.  Could also save over $100 a year in the annual property tax due.  The seller would save greatly in the capital gains tax (maybe something the buyer could ask for concessions on from the seller for saving them so much in tax by not upping deed to actual value).

Possible consequences:  Nothing I know of, everyone does it in Ecuador except when there is a bank loan involved in which case the bank does NOT take the Municipal appraisal but will send a guy to do their own for a more accurate figure on which they will base their loan amount to you.

The choice is yours.

Hasta pronto,

How starting a hotel moves you towards your dream

“Oh, man, empty” I thought…

This past week I went to the inauguration of a friends restaurant here in Quito, Ecuador.


It’s tough to start a restaurant, he’ll probably be done within a month or two.

Later that same afternoon, I had to rush out of there to go serve dinner to 32 people in my hotel who were staying there.

I don’t even like having to serve food.  I wouldn’t if I didn’t have to, there’s just not many options near me.

But that’s my point.

Maybe your real dream is to start your own restaurant, or transportation service, or relocation specialist, or real estate agency, sell art work, do surf tours, or Hummingbird walks… whatever…

It’s much easier to get clients for any of the above when you have people sitting on your couch staring at you practically begging you to feed them and give them interesting things to do.

So first host them. Then sell them what you really want to sell them.

Start a B&B, hostel, hotel or even just offer lodging via AirBnb.


Stolen groceries in Ecuador

“That’s strange,” I thought glancing in my rear-view mirror as I parked on a rather vacant street about to walk to the nearby market.

I thought it was strange that a taxi pulled up right behind me and parked within inches of my car when they had the whole vacant street to park alongside.

Anyway, i got out of my car and without looking back I quickly pressed the electronic lock button on my key and off I walked to the open-air market in Quito, Ecuador.

As I walked back to my car with the groceries, I opened my trunk and to my surprise, the trunk was completely empty!

Prior to the produce market I had went to Supermaxi (like a walmart of Ecuador) and bought the bulk of my hotels groceries for the week, about $300 worth.All of those groceries, that once filled my trunk and back seat… were gone.


I figure someone had pulled up behind me and nudged open my back door before I had electronically locked my car which activates the alarm, emptied me out and left.

I imagine it was the guys in the taxi that pulled up right close to me as i parked.

T.I.E. (this is Ecuador)… better always be looking at your car when locking it before you walk away!


Driving from the Ecuador highlands to the coast through the backdoor in HALF the time (just 3 hours)

Many of us expats (myself included) in Ecuador prefer to live in the Andes Mountain region due to the mild, cool climate (and lack of mosquitos) in the center of the country and then invest in a second home or take vacations to the coast. 

By Andes region I mean the area starting in Tulcan in the north, then going down through Ibarra, Otavalo, Quito, Ambato, Riobamba, Cuenca, Loja and then on to Peru. The communication in these region is not all that bad as you’d expect, for the government here takes care to even ensure that all inter- and intra-networks possess courier insurance.

An increase in the number of cars operating on the roads has led to a tremendous increase in the number of car accidents also. In the midst of such unwanted events, lawsuits and criminal charges are bound to arise. As accidents are events having legal consequences, the role of a lawyer is that of great importance. Car accident lawyer exist to help a person file or defend a lawsuit. Personal injury lawyers specialize in the field of law that covers injury to an individual. This involves personal cases when someone is injured due to the negligence or the fault of another person or to the fault, negligence or the wrongdoing of an employer, an agency, a group of people, a company, or another entity, click to read more here about Kruger & Hodges injury lawyers. A personal injury case is a legal case that allows you to recover compensation from the party that is responsible for your injuries. You may file this type of claim after a car accident, truck accident, slip and fall, or any other type of incident where you sustained injuries as a result of the negligence of another party. By filing a personal injury claim, you can recover compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Personal injury laws in Florida are complex, which is why if you’ve been injured, you should seek legal representation from an attorney right away. The biggest point to prove is that a loss has occurred due to the negligent behavior of someone else. At amanda demanda law group, we know what it takes to prove liability and recover compensation. Attorney Amanda Demanda will work tirelessly to ensure you are fully compensated.

They represent the interests of their client or clients. The lawyer is extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of personal injury law including federal, state, and local statues, regulations, and policies. The attorney represents and protects the interests of their client(s) who are victims of vehicle accidents, accidents in the workplaces, accidents that happen because of defective highways or roadways, slip and fall accidents, injuries because of defective products, medical misdiagnosis, medical malpractice, and many other issues. When choosing the attorney to handle a case, an individual should do some research on what type of experience the personal injury lawyer has. Most lawyers will specialize in certain areas of personal injury and if an individual’s case is about an injury they received while at work and the personal injury lawyer they are considering specializes in medical malpractice, that attorney may not be a good match for that individual.

Another factor for the individual who is injured to consider is the attorney’s track record for winning settlements for their clients. The lawyer should be willing to discuss with the potential client how many cases similar to the potential clients that lawyer has handled and how many they have won for their clients. They should also be willing to discuss how many they have settled out of court and how many they have taken to trial. Even if the potential client is willing to settle out of court, if it becomes necessary to go to trial to get a fair settlement, they want to know their personal injury lawyer is capable of representing their interests in court.

How successful is the lawyer in recovering damages for their clients? An injured individual wants to hire a personal injury lawyer who has a good track record at getting their clients the compensation they are entitled to. A personal injury lawyers provides the offenders or car accident victims with information regarding the numerous practical and legal aspects of personal injury law and car accident claims. It is a fact that almost every person on an average is involved in at least one car accident in his lifetime. A lawyer can be your best friend and a legal assistant, who will not only save your from all legal nuances, but will also tell you about newer laws that can help you in all aspects. Every field of advocacy has special lawyers handling it. Well, personal injury is something that can happen or occur to anyone at any point of life. It is this time that personal injury lawyer will help you and help you at every step. No matter if you are in LI or any other area of US, personal injury lawyer will surely handle your case with effectiveness. LI stands for Long Island and personal injury lawyer in this area, along with others, are quite skillful in managing their task. Contact to Brooklyn Personal Injury Lawyer, if you want legal advice. What a personal injury lawyer does is to tell you all the possible laws that may help you in recovering compensation from the opposite party. Now, it is up to you to decide over the matter and see to it that how much compensation is required. Well, as far as the work of personal injury lawyer LI is concerned, he or she will tell you about the points that the other party may put in front of the judge in their defense. The personal injury lawyer will also tell you about certain laws and points that will help you in maintaining your position in front of judge and recover the compensation. The main task of such a lawyer is to help their clients in every possible manner.

A personal injury can be caused due to any reason. Medical malpractice, accident and robbery can be some of the personal injury cases that may come up in your life. And personal injury lawyer LI will be your best friend in tackling the case for you. In order to have the decision in your favor, all you have to do is first sit with your personal injury lawyer LI and discuss the case with him or her. Discussion period is required to understand the case completely and take out certain points that can turn the tide in your favor. You have to see that personal injury lawyer should be qualified and experienced enough to fight your case.

You will want to contact San Bernardino law offices personal injury attorney to have them help you your accident case. But most who’ve driven it knows it takes 6-8 hours easy to get from Quito driving times in Ecuador to the closest points on the coast.  From Cuenca, it’s a good 3 and a half hours to Guayaquil, then another 2 hours to the closest beach. Most of the journey in between does not have the best roads, and thus uncertain things could happen. You can click here to find how you can recover fast to get back to work if any uncertain incident happens. Taylorsville personal injury lawyer help people who have been injured in car crashes recover the compensation they deserve. How? Anyone who is injured in a car accident caused by the negligence of another person has the right to file a personal injury claim. A negligence lawsuit allows the plaintiff to recover damages intended to compensate for physical, emotional, and financial injuries. You can click this site for the best atlanta truck accident lawyer. The most important thing an injured victim of a truck accident should do after an accident is to seek medical attention. Sometimes, victims may delay seeking medical attention and attempt to “tough it out” instead. But, this is a mistake. The more time that elapses between the truck accident and the first visit with a doctor, the weaker a person’s case against the truck driver becomes. The attorneys or insurance companies representing the truck driver and trucking company will point towards the lengthy period of time and claim that the injury was not that serious. The trucking company’s attorney and the insurance company could even argue that the victim’s injuries were not actually sustained in the accident at all. For these reasons, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible after the accident.

Most don’t know there’s a back way to the coast…

In fact, you can get from Ibarra in the mountains north of Quito to the north coast in just 3 hours!

And the road is well paved, scenic and EMPTY too.  It connects Ibarra to Lita, then on to San Lorenzo on the northern most tip of the Ecuador coast.  From there you turn south and within about 45 minutes you are in Las Penas and the other beaches north of Esmeraldas. An еxреrіеnсеd accident аttоrnеу will fіlе сlаіmѕ against all negligent раrtіеѕ, bоth рhуѕісаl injury, аnd рrореrtу, and uѕе similar vаluеѕ tо іlluѕtrаtе the rеԛuеѕt fоr rеаѕоnаblе rеmunеrаtіоn. Many tіmеѕ a settlement іѕ negotiated tо prevent thе іnѕurаnсе соmраnу оr responsible party frоm аdmіttіng guіlt, ѕо nеgоtіаtіоn skills are сruсіаl. This accident аttоrnеу knows hоw tо leverage this ѕіtuаtіоn.

When I took this road (route 10) recently I didn’t see a single truck and very few other cars during the whole 3 hours I was on it.Great for anyone that wants to try the road less traveled by or for someone who wants to live in the Mountains in someplace like Ibarra, yet be close to the coast!