The Trend-Setters of Ecuador to Watch

This week on the Ecuador Insider’s Newsletter I’m going to uncover how to discover trends in Ecuador before anyone else can, be sure to sign up within the next day if you want to see this report, it will go out at 5am on Sunday morning!

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Money, ATM’s, Carrying Cash in Ecuador

How should I carry cash in Ecuador?

Good question. Don’t bring traveler’s checks! They are a pain to cash, no one takes them and if you do find a bank that cashes them they will cut out a hefty fee!

It’s better to come down with a few hundred dollars cash in hand and an ATM card from your US bank, connected to the “Cirrus” network with a Visa logo. You can inquire in your bank if your card is connected to the network or not, if it is, you will be able to withdraw money from any ATM with the visa logo in Ecuador (not all but many have it).

You will have to pay a small fee to the machine ($1-2) and an additional fee to your US bank ($2-3). So that’s why getting an account in Ecuador is the best bet for long term living in Ecuador.

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How Can I Bring My Exotic Pet to Ecuador?

Well, the official word is you can’t…only “normal” household pets can be brought to Ecuador…BUT I’d check with a customs agent just to be sure…maybe your specific pet could still come down without problems…

You can locate customs agents in their tiny offices around the airports in Quito and Guayaquil. Or you can ask your airline…before you fly, they may know the regulations for Ecuador, and can usually tell you the process of how to retrieve your pet upon arrival. To read more on this topic check out my post on how to bring pets to Ecuador here.

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Where to Buy Food in Ecuador at the Cheapest Prices?

Good question. In all the small and large towns of Ecuador, you will probably be able to find a local “market” where street vendors roll out a blanket and sell their produce. It is MUCH cheaper to buy your food (meats, vegetables, fruits) this way. Check this out to know more about foods.

For instance, in Quito there is a market just north of the airport and also one near the “Y” open on weekends. You can find guide on cherryscustomframing for shopping guide in markets.

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Can a Foreigner Get Financing in Ecuador?

Hi, getting financing for foreigners in Ecuador is difficult… the best way is to negotiate an agreement with the seller of the property to offer you some kind of direct financing…many sellers are in fact open to this in Ecuador! But the interest you pay may be higher than in the banks… Ive extended financing to buyers this way and done pretty well although it is a bit risky…saludos, dom

Id also recommend my guide, which does explain the property search process (the insider’s way) in Ecuador… read more here

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