How to Start an Importing Business in Ecuador

First, you would need to get a “RUC” which is a local tax ID number and then get registered in Customs “las Aduanas” as an importer.

You can do both with one of the many agents with offices near the airport often in less than a month.

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Can I Bring a Plane to Ecuador?

Importing a boat or plane is similar to the procedures of importing a car.

Used cars are not permitted to enter Ecuador. New cars that cost over $80,000 are considered luxury items and will be taxes often for 100% of the estimated value. The same is applied to boats and planes.

If you can prove that the car, boat, or plane is for pure personal transportation purposes only you may not have to pay import taxes and fees. Best to check with a customs official BEFORE attempting this one.

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How much Cash Can I Bring on Me to Ecuador without Customs Problems?

Up to $5000. But I dont recommend it, its too risky to carry that much loot. You can easily take money out of your US account here in Ecuador from one of the many Cirrus network ATMs.

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What Carrier is best to Ship Things from the US to Ecuador?

Great question. I have used DHL with success. They have offices in several locations in the maor cities of Ecuador.

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How has the Customs Department of Ecuador Changed under the Current Government?

The whole Customs area has changed radically. Before, no one obeyed the rules, everyone accepted bribes, almost no one paid taxes. Now, the department does have some order, and standard rules, and people are paying taxes, in short, there is far less corruption.

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