The Exact step-by-step process and costs for getting your (second) Ecuadorian passport

 I got a friend, a young American guy in his early thirties who goes by the name Bart Simpson. He’s rich, specifically, a “dot com” millionaire. And his hobby in life now is collecting passports, he has six already to be exact. A South American one is his next target as it would open up … Continue reading The Exact step-by-step process and costs for getting your (second) Ecuadorian passport

Will your pet be detained upon entering Ecuador?

Recently a friend of mine brought her pet to Ecuador… here´s what went down… First, before coming she made sure she had the necessary documents: A vaccination certificate for international travel and a certification from an FDA approved veternarian that the pet was healthy. All of which needs to be done right before traveling and … Continue reading Will your pet be detained upon entering Ecuador?