The 1 hardest thing for a nice guy doing business in Ecuador

I’ve got a confession to make, I’m a nice guy. If you’ve ever met me you know, kinda short, kinda soft-spoken, generally nice. And being nice in a place like Ecuador isn’t necessarily a virtue, it’s a handicap. But I’ve done pretty good here economically (so far) in spite of it. As I covered earlier … Continue reading The 1 hardest thing for a nice guy doing business in Ecuador

Surprise flight connection that could save you BIG getting to/from Ecuador

Recently, I helped an Ecuadorian friend buy her ticket from Ecuador to Israel. And I learned something interesting. I knew long back that in the US it’s better to rent a jet than a commercial flight on which you could click to read more here but only recently did I find out that, to or … Continue reading Surprise flight connection that could save you BIG getting to/from Ecuador

Dodging a shark: The dangers of buying vacant land in Ecuador

“Oh, man, here he comes again.” I said to an Ecuadorian friend as I saw my neighbors big black pick up pull up to my property near Salinas on the coast. The car stopped, he got out and walked up. I had previously explained to my friend that my neighbor used to be the owner … Continue reading Dodging a shark: The dangers of buying vacant land in Ecuador

How to save on your income tax in Ecuador

This week I filed my income tax return in Ecuador due every March (impuesto a la renta). My accountant charged $30 and was done in 20 minutes. It was so quick because she already handled my monthly sales tax declarations and already had the paperwork on hand. Based on the monthly tax declarations for all … Continue reading How to save on your income tax in Ecuador